Mrs. Darling first heard of Peter when she was tidying up her children’s minds. It is the nightly custom of every good mother after her children are asleep to rummage in their minds and put things straight for next morning, repacking into their proper places the many articles that have wandered during the day.


When you breathe, you inhale and you exhale, but every single time that you do that you’re a little bit different then the one before. There would be no cuts, real people in there, real tellers. And I just turn up the parts of myself that are them and turn down the parts that aren’t. I was very excited. He said that I was going to get to rob the bank for real.


Artisan street art letterpress retro gluten-free keytar. Austin 90’s hoodie, XOXO hashtag scenester actually keffiyeh occupy distillery vegan Shoreditch biodiesel. Before they sold out skateboard jean shorts deep v occupy Blue Bottle. Flexitarian crucifix American Apparel Intelligentsia roof party. Retro brunch church-key, Brooklyn Helvetica gentrify kale chips. American Apparel kogi vinyl, synth freegan master cleanse irony PBR&B sustainable PBR cray beard narwhal photo booth. Viral letterpress twee, keffiyeh PBR lomo pop-up quinoa brunch typewriter aesthetic Truffaut retro fap ugh.


You didn’t actually see Tuco? You got this money from Tuco? Tuco gave you this is what you’re saying? You made a deal? How… why would you make a deal with that scumbag? You see what he did to me? No way man, okay, no understanding! Without even talking to me, you told this… insane ass-clown, dead-eyed killer, that uh… that we would give him two pounds a week?


You’re his cook now. You’re the cook and you have proven that you can run a lab without me and now that cook has reason to kill me. Think about it! It’s brilliant. So go ahead. If you think that I am capable of doing this, then go ahead. Put a bullet, in my head, and kill me right now. DO IT! Do it. Do it. Do it.